
This site lists all changes between different API version of UDBScript

Version 5

  • Added Plane class
  • Added BlockMap, BlockEntry, and BlackMapQueryResult classes
  • Sector class
    • Added getLabelPositions method to get the position of sector labels (where tags, effects etc. are displayed)
  • Added support for JavaScript BigInt for UDMF fields. This means it's not necessary anymore to use UniValue to assign integers to new UDMF fields. Instead it can be done like this: sector.fields.my_int_field = 1n;
  • Added type information file (udbscript.d.ts)

Version 4

  • Moved all classes, object, and methods into the UDB namespace (everything has to be prefixed wiht UDB.)
  • Added methods to report progress for long running scripts and script log output. See Communicating with the user for more information

Version 3

  • Exported the classes Linedef, Sector, Sidedef, Thing, and Vertex, so that they can be used with instanceof
  • Map class
    • The getSidedefsFromSelectedLinedefs() method now correctly only returns the Sidedefs of selected Linedefs in visual mode (and not also the highlighted one)
    • Added a new getSidedefsFromSelectedOrHighlightedLinedefs() method as the equivalent to the other getSelectedOrHighlighted*() methods
  • Sector class
    • Added new floorSelected, ceilingSelected, floorHighlighted, and ceilingHighlighted properties. Those are mostly useful in visual mode, since they always return true when the Sector is selected or highlighted in the classic modes. The properties are read-only
  • Sidedef class
    • Added new upperSelected, middleSelected, lowerSelected, upperHighlighted, middleHighlighted, and lowerHighlighted properties. Those are mostly useful in visual mode, since they always return true when the parent Linedef is selected or highlighted in the classic modes. The properties are read-only

Version 2

  • Pen built-in library
    • The methods of the Pen class now return the instance of the Pen class to allow method chaining